District Financial Services
J.H. McKay, LLC provides the complete scope of district financial and assessment services ranging from district establishment to bond issuance to ongoing assessment revenue collection. Revenue collection is critical for successful district operations, and I will work closely in coordination with the district’s management company to ensure that the district collects sufficient revenue needed to meet its annual debt service and ongoing operations & maintenance obligations.
District Financial Services Include:
- Establishment Services: Prepare Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC), coordinate with petitioner’s counsel on the preparation of petitions to establish and provide pre-filed or live testimony as requested.
- Ongoing Financial Services: Prepare and issue estoppel letters for prepayments and closings, process, and record assessment prepayments, and perform regular true-up analysis for each bond issue.
- Revenue Collection Services: Prepare and certify annual assessment roll and prepare invoices for direct “Off-roll” billing of annual debt service and operations & maintenance assessments.
- Lien Book and Collection Agent Services: Prepare and maintain current lien books reflecting current outstanding balances for each individual parcel and for each district bond issue.
- Bond Issuance Services: Prepare and present assessment methodology reports and deliver related documents, schedules or certifications as required with each new bond issue and provide testimony at bond validation hearings.
- Dissemination Agent Services: Prepare and post quarterly and annual continuing disclosure reports as required by the bond issue.